April 22, 2022
Sticking Around: Malcolm Meaux
When Malcolm Meaux began at IEA as a crane operator, he thought it would mimic on-site jobs at other construction companies - a one-job stint that ends after a few months. After two years, it's clear he's sticking around.
“I was nervous like, man, it's going to be just like another company,” said Meaux. “But they see that you love what you do and appreciate it… It makes you feel good.”
For the past two years, Meaux has been a part of the IEA family. With each project, there’s a different makeup of people. Regardless of the group, the community connection travels to each site you’re assigned to.
“They make you feel comfortable and make you feel like we are all family out here. It’s just different with IEA,” said Meaux.
When Meaux says this IEA community in the field is like a second family for him, he means it; he has a matching tattoo to prove it. A camper hood tattoo to remind the group where they came up from at the same time.
"We got down to Panther Creek one afternoon...I got the bright idea," said Meaux. "I think we ought to get it tattooed on us. We all went down to the tattoo shop and each got one."
As a construction worker on the road, the bond with your coworkers becomes increasingly important. Meaux makes it clear that everyone at IEA looks out for each other and is quick to help, whether it's with a personal problem or work-related.
“I mean, everybody helps out here. Everybody is not just dedicated to their one craft. We are all a team out here.”
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